ArcticLine Software (Filter: Freeware)
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ArcticLine Software
Kuchma str. 11
01598 Kyiv
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01598 Kyiv
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Freeware | Shareware | Full version | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Delete filter
FileMarker.NET Free
Version: 2.1 | Freeware
FileMarker.NET is a powerful, yet intuitive and easy-to-use tool that enables users to arbitrarily change separate file icon images and mark files with additional sub-icons to reflect their completeness, status, priority or type. Find files faster, separate your files from your co-workers' files, show document progress right on the file icon, set clearly visible priorities - it's all possible with FileMarker.NET with just 2 mouse clicks! More…
FileMarker.NET Pro
Version: 2.1 | Freeware (EUR 34.95)
FileMarker.NET allows to color-code or image-code files in Windows like in Mac for easy at-a-glance identification. This considerably simplifies file management, cause you can organize your files by priority (high, normal, low), project completeness (done, half-done, planned), project status (approved, rejected, pending) and type of information (work, important, temp, private) in a file. More…
FileMarker.NET Pro
Version: 2.1 | Freeware (EUR 34.95)
FileMarker.NET allows to color-code or image-code files in Windows like in Mac for easy at-a-glance identification. This considerably simplifies file management, cause you can organize your files by priority (high, normal, low), project completeness (done, half-done, planned), project status (approved, rejected, pending) and type of information (work, important, temp, private) in a file. More…
Folder Color Icon Set
Version: 1 | Freeware

Folder Color icon set is a must-have for any computer user who has lots of folders and would like to organize them for faster search and quick retrieval. These 36 color coded folder icons is the way to tackle the too-many-same-looking-folders problem. To change color of a folder: Right click the folder > select Properties > click Customize tab > click Change Icon… > select an icon from this icon set > click OK > click Apply > OK... More…
Folder Marker Free - Customize Folders
Version: 4.6 | Freeware

Folder Marker is a handy shell extension that enables you to quickly customize folder icons to indicate a priority level or project status (high, low, done, half-done, planned etc.), or you can use it to label a folder with a special icon or color of your choice. Simply right-click on any folder and select the icon or color to be used from the newly added menu option. Folder Marker supports single and multiple folder selections and is freeware. More…
Jet Screenshot
Version: 3.1 | Freeware

Jet Screenshot is a free service enabling you to share screen snaps via the net in seconds. It allows you to take a snap, edit it and send it to the Web, so that you can immediately provide anyone with a link to the image. Such an approach allows you to speed up sharing of ideas, facilitating further discussion. It's ideal for remote work of programmers, designers, QA testers, bloggers, technical assistance specialists, sales managers, etc. More…