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AquaSoft GmbH (Filter: Freeware)

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AquaSoft Barbecue

With AquaSoftware Barbecue you can produce professional looking picturesamples with less effort. In a collection of images you choose one and create all the modifications from you want. This will be saved in a Makro (you do it only by using the mouse). Then apply this method for the whole batch of your images. You can change all filenames systematicaly after exif-data or your own choice. Programm works fine with digital cameras and scanners. More…

Virtuelle Pinguin-Jagd

Moorhühner standen lange genug auf der Abschussliste, jetzt haben sie Schonzeit. An ihrer Stelle treten nun Pinguine ins Bild. Ballern Sie was das Zeug hält! More…