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Kategorie Büro / Datenbanken & Tools

Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source

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Openfind Enterprise Search

Openfind Enterprise Search (OES) is designed for easy installation and simple configuration, allows setting up intranet heterogenous data search in minutes. With multi-lingual search capability, OES can deal with double bytes as well as single bytes contents.OES shareware allows 30 indices and up to 50,000 documents per index. Mehr…

Database Tour

Universelles Datenbank-Tool. Die wichtigsten Funktion: - Betrachten / ändern von Daten. - Automatisches Erstellen von Berichten mit einem einfachen Berichtsersteller (Templates, Ausdrücke, Vorschau, ...). - Abfragen könnten mit ein Tool erstellt werden anstatt den SQL-Ausdruck selber zu schreiben. - Befehlszeilenargumente, um die am meisten verwendeten Aktionen zu automatisieren. Mehr…

DTM Data Modeler

DTM Data Modeler is a CASE tool for database developers that supports both forward and reverse engineering. It is an easy-to-use tool allowing you to work both with logical and physical data models in the form of an entity-relationship (IDEF1X) diagram. The product is intended for database architects and developers and works with data sources via the ODBC, OLE DB, IDAPI or Oracle Call Interface, which means compatibility with all modern DBMS. Mehr…


HKAdress ist ein leicht zu bedienendes und übersichtliches Programm zur Verwaltung Ihrer Kontakte (privat, geschäftlich, Vereine usw.). Für jeden Kontakt stehen die Bereiche Allgemein (mit Foto), Privatadresse, Geschäftsadresse, Bankdaten und Bemerkungen zur Verfügung, die Sie entsprechend ein- oder ausblenden können. Mehr…

DTM Schema Inspector

DTM Schema Inspector is a database schema browsing and management tool that let the user work with database schemas more effectively. The program lets the users work simultaneously with any number of database schemas (metadata) and displays information in a convenient tree-view format, as well as offers current views of database contents and properties. The tool supports all modern database systems and desktop formats. Mehr…

MyDeveloper Studio

A comprehensive IDE for MySQL, it helps you work faster with MySQL by automating and simplifing the database development process. Presents a powerful visual interface for developing scripts, executing queries, managing users and privileges, and more. Key features include a completely unique stored routine debugger, an advanced SQL editor, integrated database explorer, database backup and restore, and fast direct connection to MySQL. Mehr…