TGRMN Software
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ViceVersa Free
Version: 1.0.4 | Freeware

Free file sync software for Windows. Start synchronizing files and folders between computers, laptops, desktops, floppy drives, hard-drives, USB drives, Zip drives, network drives. Simply select source and target folders, click "Compare" and get an instant rundown of matching (and non-matching) files. Then sync files and folders. Very fast and free. Designed for Windows XP / Vista. Easy to use, free file sync utility. Mehr…
ViceVersa PRO
Version: 2 | Shareware (59,95 USD)
File Sync, File Replication and Backup Software for Windows, ViceVersa PRO delivers an easy way to backup, mirror, replicate, sync files and folders. ViceVersa works with any type of storage media on laptop, desktop, servers. Other features include encryption, compression, bandwidth control, archiving, password protection and more. Synchronize, replicate, mirror, backup files and folders with ease. Mehr…