Pingram Software (Filter: Shareware)
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Pingram Software
#101 - 1001 W. Broadway Suite 381
V6H 4E4 Vancouver
#101 - 1001 W. Broadway Suite 381
V6H 4E4 Vancouver
submit [at] voicecallcentral [dot] com | |
Telefon | 206-309-0821 |
Telefax | 206-984-3919 |
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Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Filter löschen
Advanced Call Center
Version: 6 | Shareware (39,95 EUR)

Der spezialisierten und doch einfach zu steuernden Anrufbeantwortersoftware für Sprach-Modems. Die Rufnummernerkennung zeigt wer gerade anruft, per schwarzer und weißer Liste läßt sich genau sestlegen, welcher Anruf wann zum Benutzer durchdringen darf. Gegenüber dem Standardanrufbeantworter kann die Software im Anrufbeantwortermodus ihre Stärken ausspielen. Mehr…
Call Corder
Version: 3.8 | Shareware (49,95 EUR)
Wenn Sie bereits Ihren Computer auch zum telefonieren benutzen, dann können Sie mit diesem Tool jedes Gespräch durch einen Mausklick aufzeichnen. Zu jeder Aufzeichnung lassen sich verschiedene Informationen speichern, etwa die Nummer des Anrufers, eine kurze Notiz und ob ein Rückruf erfolgen soll. Mehr…
Fix My Disk
Version: 1.0 | Shareware (139,95 USD)
Recover data from corrupted FAT and NTFS partitions with a step-by-step wiard. Recover accidentally deleted files and restore data from formatted partitions and repartitioned hard drives! Fix My Disk finds and recovers ZIP and RAR archives, Office documents such as Word files, Excel worksheets or PowerPoint presentations, as well as digital pictures that were deleted ages ago. Mehr…
Fix My Files
Version: 1.0 | Shareware (39,95 USD)
Undelete inadvertently deleted and accidentally erased files, documents and digital pictures with a step-by-step wizard. Find and recover lost archives, Office documents such as Word files, Excel worksheets or PowerPoint presentations, and digital pictures that were deleted ages ago. Fix My Files leans towards restoring your recent work, ZIP and RAR archives and family photo albums instead of throwing an abundance of files at you all at once. Mehr…
PhoneWorks Pro
Version: 2004 | Shareware (119,95 USD)
PhoneWorks 2004 is an easy-to-use and powerful telephone, voice mail answering system, and fax messaging solution for your PC.
PhoneWorks 2004 Professional's new Optical Character Recognition (OCR) module enables you to easily turn your faxes into documents compatible with Microsoft Office Word, Excel and other popular applications. Mehr…
Picture Caller ID
Version: 2.0.1 | Shareware (19,95 EUR)
Picture Caller ID identifies callers before you answer the phone. Call Blocking enables effective telemarketer call block by cutting off black-listed numbers, such as the numbers that are blocked, out-of-area, or unidentified. Picture Caller ID lets you screen your calls using text-to-speech to announce the caller's name and number, so you only answer the call when you want to. It sits silently in the system tray, notifying you when a call comes. Mehr…
Version: 1.2 | Shareware (29,95 USD)
RoboNanny is a computer home security and baby monitor software. It monitors sound level in your room via your computer microphone, broadcasts audio from the microphone over the network, and records surrounding audio, and fires sound alarms.
While connected to the Internet (even a 28.8 modem will do, but DSL or Cable is certainly better), RoboNanny can continuously broadcast your room's sounds. Use Windows Media Player to listen to your home. Mehr…
SmartFax Pro
Version: 2004 | Shareware (99,95 USD)
SmartFax 2004 Professional's new Optical Character Recognition (OCR) module enables you to easily turn your faxes into documents compatible with Microsoft Office Word, Excel and other popular applications.
Now integrated with Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express and Windows Messaging. Mehr…