Bolide Software (Filter: Shareware)
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Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Filter löschen
All My Books
Version: 5.5 | Shareware (39,95 USD)

Organisieren Sie Ihre Sammlung von Bьcher in einer elektronischen Bibliothek. Finden Sie Ihre Bьcher in wenigen Sekunden. Bьcher kцnnen leicht hinzugefьgt werden - All My Books bezieht automatisch Informationen ьber die Bьcher aus dem Internet! Geben Sie einfach den Namen des Buches oder eine ISBN-Nummer an, und All My Books lдdt sich die Informationen aus dem Internet! Mehr…
All My Movies
Version: 9.2 | Shareware (39,95 USD)

All My Movies ist ein raffiniertes Dienstprogramm zur Katalogisierung von Filmesammlungen. Es unterstützt alle Formate, sowohl neue - DVD, Video CD, AVI und MPEG Dateien als auch alte - z.B. VHS Bänder. Das Programm hilft, auch die ausgeliehenen Filme einfacher zu finden. Sehr wichtig ist es, dass das Programm extra für DVDs erstellt wurde, vollautomatisch arbeitet und mit allen digitalen Datenträgern kompatibel ist. Mehr…
Audio Comparer
Version: 1.7 | Shareware (34,95 USD)

Audio Comparer „hört“ sich Ihre ganze Musiksammlung an und findet dabei Duplikate und ähnliche Audiodateien aufgrund Analyse ihres Klangs und nicht ihrer Tags. Das Programm schätzt dabei die Qualität der Songs ein und gibt dem Benutzer Empfehlungen, welche der doppelten Dateien er am besten behalten müsste. Audio Comparer unterstützt zurzeit folgende Audioformate: MP3, WMA, APE, FLAC, AAC und OGG. Bereinigen Sie Ihre Musiksammlung jetzt! Mehr…
Bolide Movie Creator
Version: 4.2 | Shareware (29,95 USD)
Bolide Movie Creator is simple but powerful HD video editor for Windows. It accepts almost any video/audio/image format as the source and can save the final movie to AVI, MKV, WMV, FLV or MP4 video file in up to FullHD resolution. We tried to make the video editing process as easy as possible. Just drop your media files to the timeline and save the project as a video file. As simple as that! So, give it a try and make your first movie today! Mehr…
Book Organizer Pro
Version: 1.4 | Shareware (34,95 USD)

Book Organizer Pro is an application for every book lover and work with Windows. The program allow you to manage your book collection in an easy way. You don't need to type much details about every book, since our program is able to pull all the details including book cover image automatically from the Internet. Just specify the book title, ISBN or author name, press Enter key and have all the details filled for you. Mehr…
Duplicate Image Finder Pro
Version: 3.6 | Shareware (34,95 USD)

Duplicate Image Finder Pro acts like a human eye, allowing you to quickly locate duplicates and similar looking photo images in your collection. Just tell the program where your images are and get a list of duplicates. Duplicate Image Finder Pro allow you to compare found similar images side-by-side with differences highlighted. Don't miss the opportunity to refine your image collection with Duplicate Image Finder Pro! Mehr…
Duplicate Music Finder
Version: 1.5 | Shareware (34,95 USD)

Duplicate Music Finder will listen to your entire audio collection and then will be able to quickly locate duplicates and similar music files based on their sound, not tags. The program will estimate duplicate songs quality and advise you which ones are better to keep and which to delete. Currently Duplicate Music Finder is able to locate duplicates among MP3, WMA, APE, FLAC, AAC and OGG music files. Clean up your collection today! Mehr…
Duplicate Photo Finder
Version: 4.1 | Shareware (34,95 USD)

Automatically compare digital photos, find duplicates and determine the best shot. Have you tried showing a set or a large collection of digital snapshots to a friend or relative? Weren't they underwhelmed and a little bored by the number of all too similar shots of the same subject? Get rid of such phot duplicates automatically! Duplicate Photo Finder will identify and remove them with Formula-1 speeds and you do not need to do it manually. Mehr…
Duplicate Song Finder
Version: 1.5 | Shareware (34,95 USD)

Duplicate Song Finder will listen to your entire song collection and then will be able to quickly locate duplicates and similar song files based on their sound, not tags. The program will estimate duplicate songs quality and advise you which ones are better to keep and which to delete. Currently Duplicate Song Finder is able to locate duplicates among MP3, WMA, APE, FLAC, AAC and OGG song files. Refine your collection today! Mehr…
DVD Organizer Pro
Version: 5.3 | Shareware (44,95 USD)

Track your DVDs and keep them organized with the DVD Organizer Pro! We tried to keep the program simple, but functional. It is very easy and fast to add new movie to your collection with DVD Organizer Pro. Just scan the barcode or enter the movie title (even partial one!) and DVD Organizer Pro will download the rest details automatically including DVD cover. Full bluray discs support. Built-in loan manager will keep your loan history. Mehr…
Image Comparer
Version: 4.1 | Shareware (34,95 USD)

Image Comparer analysiert Eure digitalen Bilder und wählt automatisch das mit der besten Qualität. Somit braucht ihr nur ein Paar Klicks, um doppelte Bilder zu editieren oder zu löschen. Image Comparer bietet Euch inhaltsorientierte Bildersuche. Im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Produkten bietet das Programm nicht nur eine Suchfunktion für Duplikaten, sondern erkennt und analysiert Bildinhalte und gruppiert Bilder, die Ähnlichkeiten vorweisen. Mehr…
Web Stream Recorder
Version: 2015 | Shareware (39,95 USD)
Web Stream Recorder 2013 is an improved version of a popular multimedia web stream recorder. The program allows users to watch offline any multimedia stream, including online radio, TV, YouTube, Google Video, WinAmp etc. The program features many advanced functions but is extremely simple in use thanks to the "minimum operations, maximum benefits" approach and a stylish user-friendly interface. Available for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8. Mehr…