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Batch Encoding Converter Free

Convert multiple files between more than 100 text encodings and binary formats: Unicode, ANSI, Latin, Cyrillic, ASCII, UTF8, ISO, OEM, Mac, Base-64, Bin-Hex, Quoted-Printable. Save bytes from files in hex, dec, or bin ASCII byte code representations, and convert them back to bytes. Includes automatic encoding detection, Big Endian, and Unicode support. Process 1000s of files using multiple CPU cores in manual, automatic, scheduled, console modes. Mehr…

Batch File Manager Free

Rename, move, copy, delete, and otherwise manage multiple files. Rename multiple files according to the rules and pattern you specify using powerful editor with syntax highlighting. Copy and move files to folders specified using absolute/relative paths. Select files for processing based on their name, dates, size, text/binary contents using advanced file search supporting RegEx and advanced wildcards. Delete files easily. Mehr…

Batch File Replace Free

Search and replace text and raw bytes in multiple files. Includes multi-line text search & replace with wildcards, case-sensitivity, and match selection options. Full support for Regular Expressions with syntax highlighting and match substitutions. Built-in hex editor allows for easy entry of binary data to search & replace bytes. Enter search-replace pairs into a grid or import from file to perform multiple replacements. Mehr…

Batch Files Free

Replace, insert, delete, copy, move, format, extract, convert, encode, encrypt text and bytes in multiple files. Process 1000s files using multiple CPU cores in manual, automatic/continuous, triggered/scheduled, or console modes, or directly from Windows Explorer right-click menu. Save files with original or new name defined by a mask. Select files for processing based on their name, dates, size, and contents using advanced file search. Mehr…

Batch Images Lite

Find, resize, crop, watermark, enhance, adjust, convert, rename, and process your pictures and photos in 30+ image formats with 120+ filters and effects using this graphics software. Can operate in 4 modes: Manual, Background, Scheduled, Console. Supports conditional processing based on image orientation, size, other attributes. Can save results in any of 30+ formats: jpg, png, tiff, jp2... Allows parallel processing on multi-core CPUs. Mehr…

Batch Text File Editor Free

Batch-Notepad that can replace, insert, delete, copy, and move text in multiple files in bulk! Complete RegEx support with colored syntax highlighting and RegEx match substitutions. Multi-line replace lets you search for and replace text spanning multiple lines. Wildcards, case sensitivity, and match counting options can refine your search! Insert new text at specified line number, character position. Delete, copy, move specified text blocks. Mehr…