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Category Education / Computer (Filter: Demo)

PC-Grundlagen Quiz

Testen Sie Ihr Computerwissen mit diesem Quiz. Es enthält Fragen zur Funktionsweise eines PCs, zur Hardware, Software, zu Computerviren, Internet, Betriebssystem, usw... More…

SunRav WEB Class

Are you considering implementing online testing system? With SunRav WEB Class you can create, administer and process tests via Internet or corporate intranet. Test results can be stored in MySQL database. The program offers several levels of protection for keeping all confidential data safe. Conveniently, the results can be easily sorted out and broken into detailed reports. More…

TypingCenter (Learn to Type)

TypingCenter is a typing program designed to help children and adults have fun while building typing skills. With this Windows typing tutor, it is possible to enjoy typing while playing games, or engaging with simple tasks, and there are also fun tests and rankings to keep everyone's interest. As adults feel the need to develop typing skills, but often find it hard to keep with lesson programs or internet courses, this is the ideal solution. More…