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JR Software

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HTML-Help Projects

build HTML, HTML-Help und Win-Help Files More…


JRActiveSizer 1.6 is a 32 bit Activex Control for sizing and moving controls at runtime. JRActiveSizer handle all your toolbox controls of Visual Basic. The distribution includes the following files: Readme.txt JRActiveSizer.ocx Demo1, Demo2, Demo3 Demo4 VB6 Demoprojekts with Source Code More…

JRSpell Checker

JRSpellChecker is a ActiveX control that allows software developers and web designer to add spell checking capabilities to their applications with a couple of lines of code. The control is spelling text boxes, text strings, RTF-Control and finaly the TX Text Control You can spell check single words, selected text or a complete document.Built in spell check dialog box with ignore and add word feature. Autocorrection function. More…

JRStegano .net component

JRStegano control lib is a .net component for Steganographie. JRStegano allow you to hide (and extract) any data file inside a perfectly normal 24-bit BMP or PNG file. The component builds a file system inside the image there you can add so many textstrings and files as you want. (the datasize was limited by the picture width and height properties) More…

Word Print Buttons

With this Add-In for MS-Word you can build up to 24 free configurable toolbar buttons for printing. For each of them you can define the printer, the tray for the first page, the tray for the other pages, the duplex option and much more. Includes stamp function. So for example you can create: Button 1 to print out the actual document on printer 1 tray1 for a test print. Button 2 to print out the same document on different printers or trays. More…