Kategorie System Utilities / Sonstige (Filter: Freeware)
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Version: 1.0.0 | Evaluation (45,00 EUR)
MSIJack lädt auch mehrere tausend Zeilen lange MSI-Installationslogdateien in Sekundenschnelle und zeigt direkt wesentliche Punkte der Installation auf. Außerdem zeigt es in verschiedenen Ansichten, welche Schritte während der Installation durchlaufen wurden, wie z.B. Properties, Dienste, Dateikopieraktionen, Typenregistrierungen, etc. Natürlich können Sie die Logdatei auch selbst nach über 20 Kriterien filtern. Mehr…
Transfer Outlook 2011 Mac Mail
Version: 5.4 | Shareware (72,00 EUR)
OLM to PST converter tool is an advanced tool with this tool user can easily execute their desired Mac OLM files into PST file format without getting any consequences. At the same time considering free Mac files converter tool it does not only removes the probabilities of Data-Loss besides this also maintains complete Data-Accuracy with exported files of Mac OLM to transfer Outlook 2011 Mac mail. Mehr…
Convert Mac mail to MBOX
Version: 4.3 | Shareware (99,00 USD)
Get your hands on effective means to convert Mac mail to MBOX file with OLM to MBOX converter free utility while this OLM MBOX transition tool other than facilitating one to export Mac mail to MBOX also assists one in accessing this precise MBOX file format in multiple E-Mail applications such as Thunderbird, Apple Mail etc. Other way around the tool to transfer .olm to .mbox also keeps in mind to maintain the Data in a hierarchy behavior.
Perfect Privacy
Version: 2.0 | Shareware (9,85 USD)
With Perfect Privacy you can easily eliminate your Internet and offline computer usage traces, such as history lists, address bar drop downs, cache, accessed document lists and other tracks that are stored to your computer as you use it. You can eliminate all traces or specify a selection. Cleanup can be done with a single click; it can be also executed automatically at specified intervals and on specified events. Can be run invisible. Mehr…
Version: 10.7 | Shareware (39,00 EUR)
Erstellung vollständiger Installationspakete zum Verbreiten von Software für WIN 9x/NT/2000 als CD-Installation oder als SFX-Archiv. Features: Verknüpfungen erstellen, Registrierungseinträge, Eintragungen in Startdateien, Selbstentpackende Archive, Designeinstellungen, viele Hintergrundbilder in der Vollversion, Drag-and-Drop, Ordnerauswahl, Paßwortfunktion u.v.a.m. Mehr…
Version: 2 | Freeware (9,99 EUR)
FileRename Automatische Umbenennung von Dateien und ändern der Dateiattribute! Die Bordmittel, die Windows mitbringt, reichen oftmals nicht, mehrere Dateien auf die gewünschte Art umzubenennen. FileRename bietet Ihnen auf einfache Art die Möglichkeit, Serienumbenennungen durchzuführen. Gleichzeitig können Sie das Dateidatum auf einen gewünschten Wert setzen. Mehr…
Trace Zapper WinCleaner N' Optimizer
Version: | Shareware (29,00 USD)
TraceRemover WinCleaner N' Optimizer has 9 easy-to-use modules that were especially designed for that but also includes an absolutely unique feature - the One-Click-Optimization! This is partly a natural process and partly the result of the way Windows® is designed. Mehr…
Version: 1.3.0 | Shareware (27,95 USD)
MouseMojo will detect the direction in which you move your mouse and sign your emails, open web pages, documents, simulate key strokes.... All you have to do is hold your right mouse button down and move your mouse.
MouseMojo will change the way you use your mouse. Different applications can have different actions. MouseMojo will automatically detect the application you are currently using. Actions wizard makes it easy to get started. Mehr…
FreeMem Professional
Version: 5.1 | Shareware (19,95 EUR)
FreeMem increases your PC's performance by optimizing Microsoft Windows memory management. You can avoid many system lockups by running this improved RAM-Optimizer. By freeing up some RAM regularly (e. g. every 30 minutes), you ensure that Windows Memory Management does its homework. This feature runs in the background and will not interfere with your work. You can always free up any amount of RAM by just a mouse click. Mehr…
Data Recovery Tool
Version: 11.01 | Shareware (49,00 USD)
Windows data recovery tool to recover data from corrupt, damaged, formatted file systems of Windows operating system - FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, NTFS5. It recovers every deleted file, folder from the corrupt drive. Result oriented performance with data recovery software for Windows7,Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000 and 98. Mehr…
Version: 1.1 | Demo (39,90 EUR)
WuYuYo is a software package for PocketPC devised to facilitate
communication between persons who do not speak the same language,
forinstance when travelling abroad. It offers five of the most common
languagesin the world: Chinese, French, English, Italian and Spanish,
Itcomprises about 4000 phrases and sentences organised in 12 contexts,
andadditional functions, so as to make communication in a foreign
l Mehr…
BMon-Bluetooth Monitor Suite
Version: | Demo (25,99 USD)
BMon is a Bluetooth monitor suite that monitors Bluetooth devices (with their Bluetooth on) and add them to a database for later review.Also BMon can analyze each devices manufacturer and device class.Monitoring can be done within specific interval from 30 to 90 seconds. Mehr…