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Kategorie System Utilities / Shell Tools (Filter: Shareware)

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Start Menu Catalog

Has your Start Menu become so massive that you are now having problems finding the necessary programs? If that`s true, you definitely need Start Menu Catalog. Just start this program and select the necessary categories for your applications - such as Games, Internet, Screensavers, etc. Your menu will shrink in size and it will be much easier for you to find programs in corresponding categories. Download now and bring order to your Start menu! Mehr…


PikySuite is a group of three products (PikyBasket, PikyFolders, & PikyTools) that eliminate day-to-day computing frustrations from frequent activities such as copying files, accessing favorite/recent folders and taking backups. It adds joy by adding simplicity and power to common tasks in Windows XP/Vista. PikySuite is meticulously designed to save a lot of unnoticed time & effort wasted on trivial file/folder tasks everyday. Mehr…

Folder Marker Free - Customize Folders

Folder Marker is a handy shell extension that enables you to quickly customize folder icons to indicate a priority level or project status (high, low, done, half-done, planned etc.), or you can use it to label a folder with a special icon or color of your choice. Simply right-click on any folder and select the icon or color to be used from the newly added menu option. Folder Marker supports single and multiple folder selections and is freeware. Mehr…

Tidy Start Menu

Wenn Sie müde sind, in langer Startmenüliste nach Programmen zu wühlen, so ist dieses Programm für Sie. Es erlaubt, alle Programme im Startmenü in Gruppen aufzugliedern. Das Menü sieht ordentlich aus, und jedes Programm ist einfach und schnell zu finden. Z.B. können Sie alle Spiele in die Gruppe ‘Spiele' vereinigen, so dass Sie nach Anklicken des Menüs anstelle der Spielliste den Menüpunkt ‘Spiele' sehen, wo Sie das gewünschte Spiel finden. Mehr…


Mark files and folders , through change their face ,and add description to them. The description you add will appear in the explorer popup windows. Description also available in the Windows explorer columns (NOT supports in Vista and 7). You will also be able to see a full content and size of files and subfolders in a popup window for a folder. Select "Manage description" and that's it. Mehr…

Captain Tray Pro

Captain Tray ist eine kleine Anwendung, die jedoch einen groЯen Unterschied bewirkt, wenn es darum geht, Ihre Lieblingsprogramme zu organisieren, den Systemtray zu individualisieren, Shortcuts zum sofortigen Minimieren der Fenster zu erzeugen, Untertitel von Bildern zu дndern und anderes zu bewirken. Mehr…