Kategorie System Utilities / Backup & Wiederherstellung (Filter: Cardware)
Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source - Filter löschen
Quick Backup
Version: 4 | Shareware (19,00 USD)

Quick Backup is a quick and easy online backup service for small business. Sign up for our free 14 day trial and install our software. It is compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista. You can install and use it on multiple computers. Select when to run your daily online backup and it will automatically begin backing up each day for you. Mehr…
Adolix Windows Mail Backup
Version: 1.4 | Shareware (24,95 USD)

Backup Windows Vista Mail. Save your emails, folders, rules, stationaries and Windows contacts. Backup and restore favourites for Firefox 2, 3 and Internet Explorer 7. Setup periodic backups of Windows Mail. You can protect your emails with encryption and passwords. This tool can be used by both home based users and professionals. It only requires Windows Vista. Mehr…
Arctor File Backup
Version: | Shareware (99,00 EUR)

Arctor is an easy-to-use and powerful file backup solution, offering fast, reliable backup and version management. It can quickly and easily restore your files in the event of accidental loss or hardware failures. With Arctor, you are able to set up regular, on-the-fly, unattended, automatic backups to make sure your files are kept safe to protect yourself against data loss. Mehr…
Tansee iPhone SMS Backup
Version: | Shareware (19,95 USD)

Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS can provide you:
- Backup SMS in iPhone to computer before iPhone reject receiving new SMS.
- View and Manage old iPhone SMS in your computer.
- View SMS in Text file format (.txt file) or ANTS file format (.ants file) on PC.
- Password protection support (ANTS file only). Mehr…
Tansee iPhone Contact Backup
Version: | Shareware (19,95 USD)

Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact can provide you:
- Backup contacts on iPhone memory to a file.
- Export two types of file format (Antc file, Text file).
- Backup iPhone Contact’s Photos.
- Export full screen of iPhone contact’s Photos.
- View Contacts in Text file format (.txt) or ANTC file format (.antc) on PC.
- Password protection support (ANTC file only). Mehr…
Hetman Data Recovery Pack
Version: 3.1 | Shareware (149,99 USD)

Hetman Data Recovery Pack beinhaltet das Paket von Wiederherstellungsprogrammen, um alle Informationsarten wiederherzustellen. Mit Hetman Data Recovery Pack erhalten Sie alle Programme in einem Paket und zudem ein Jahr kostenlosen Exklusivsupport. Sie können die Programme abhängig von den zu lösenden Aufgaben auf verschiedenen Computern oder Laptops zu Hause und im Büro verwenden. Mehr…
SoftAmbulance Uneraser
Version: 6.48 | Shareware (38,90 USD)

Undelete and recover files deleted from hard disks, USB drives and flash memory drives reliably and automatically with SoftAmbulance Uneraser. The recovery tool is simple and easy to use, yet packs sophisticated data recovery technologies under the hood. Pre-recovery preview allows viewing deleted files before recovery, and the proprietary Deep Search technology makes it possible to recover files from badly damaged and severely corrupted media. Mehr…
Magic Data Recovery Pack
Version: 3.7 | Shareware (54,95 EUR)

Stellen Sie gelöschte Dateien und verlorene Daten mit wenigen Klicks wieder her! Magic Data Recovery Pack bietet alles, was Sie für Wiederherstellung aller Typen von verlorenen oder gelöschten Dateien brauchen. Dank seiner Windows Explorer ähnlichen schrittweisen Schnittstelle ist Programm extrem schnell und einfach bei der Verwendung. Mehr…
Recover Deleted FAT Files
Version: 8.4.6 | Shareware (69,00 USD)

Deleted FAT32, FAT, VFAT, FAT16 file system recovery software recovers all type of damaged removable media like SATA, ATA, IDE, SCSI hard disk. Tool can undelete virus infected audio, video documents. Utility is capable to extract important folders containing Word, PowerPoint, Excel files that are erased from recycle bin or removed through DOS command prompt. Application can rescue corrupted boot records (.ini), MBR, DBR tables or root directory. Mehr…
C-Photo Recovery
Version: 2.61 | Shareware (19,95 EUR)

Recover deleted pictures and restore corrupted photographs with C-photo Recovery. Power Search technology guarantees the best results by scanning your entire hard drive or memory card for signatures that mark the beginning and end of digital pictures, and matching the result scan with file system records. All popular image formats are supported. Your pictures can be recovered even if you shoot RAW with a digital SLR! Mehr…
Magic Photo Recovery
Version: 4.7 | Shareware (29,95 EUR)

Ein Foto gelöscht? Versehentlich den Speicher des Fotoapparates geleert? Stellen Sie jedes Bild mit Magic Photo Recovery widerher! Sie können Fotos zurückbekommen, wenn Sie sie versehentlich von Ihrer Kamera, von Ihrem Rechner, Flash-Karte, Handykarte oder anderem Datenträger gelöscht haben. Mehr…
Live File Backup
Version: 2.48 | Shareware (35,00 EUR)

Die Echzeit Backup Software Live File Backup sichert laufend während der Arbeit die wichtigen Dateien in mehreren Versionen (Generationen) auf separate Datenträger (lokal und im Netzwerk) und stellt bei Bedarf die verlorenen oder zerstörten Dateien wie auch ältere Versionen wieder her. Live File Backup ist das automatische Backup-Programm für die laufende Datensicherung zwischen den regulären System-Backups. Mehr…