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Kategorie Spiele & Unterhaltung / Kartenspiele (Filter: Freeware)

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Mit diesem spielstarken Skatprogramm können Sie gegen den Computer oder gegen echte Gegner im Internet oder LAN antreten. Die Sprachausgabe und das Chatfenster sorgt auch bei Online-Spielen für gute Unterhaltung. CK-Skat bietet Deutsche und Franz. Kartenmotive. CK-Skat eignet sich auch für Anfänger, da das Programm auf Wunsch in jeder Spielsituation mit hilfreichen Tipps zur Seite steht. Dem Profi hält CK-Skat umfangreiche Statistik-Funktionen bereit. Mehr…

Oasis-Poker Pro

Powerfull tool for professional play poker against casino. Computation of mathematical expectation of game with specified rules. Winning strategy development. Player training in real game simulation mode. Large number of supported game rules. Mehr…

Piquet by MeggieSoft Games

Play this respected card game (dating back to the 15th century) against an online opponent or against your computer. Piquet has a rich user interface with many customizable visual, audio, and game options. Piquet is a game of exchanging cards, declaring combinations, and playing tricks with the object of scoring more points than your opponent. Each game, or "partie", comprises 6 rounds. Mehr…


Das Kartenspiel Fun-Towers ist eine beliebte Patience-Variante für jung und alt. Weitere Besonderheiten sind: 24 Levels mit wachsendem Schwierigkeitsgrad, Karten in Folge Bonus, Level komplett Bonus, Zeitbonus, Extra Leben, Bonus Runde, HiScore, Training-Modus, Joker, Soundeffekte, u.v.m. Ziel des Spieles ist alle Karten vom Spielfeld abzubauen. Mehr…

Gin Rummy by MeggieSoft Games

MeggieSoft Games Gin Rummy is a very comprehensive implementation of the popular card game including Hollywood and Oklahoma variations. Play against an online opponent or against your computer with many customizable visual, audio, and game options. Gin Rummy is a game of taking and melding cards with the object of being able to lay your cards down before your opponent. The first player to 100 points wins the game. Mehr…

Euchre and Ecarte by MeggieSoft Games

MeggieSoft Games Euchre and Ecarte is a full implementation of two card games: Ecarte and Euchre (the two-player version). Play against an online opponent or your computer with many customizable visual, audio, and game options. Each game involves winning the majority of five tricks. In Ecarte, each player is able to swap unwanted cards with fresh ones from the stock before playing the tricks. In Euchre, the players negotiate the trumps. Mehr…