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Kategorie Kommunikation / E-Mail Clients (Filter: Freeware)

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Outlook Recovery

Recover and repair deleted, lost and corrupted Microsoft Outlook databases. Outlook Recovery will automatically locate, recover and repair damaged Outlook databases complete with email messages, address books, and contacts. If an Outlook database has been deleted or lost after a disk or system failure, Outlook Recovery will perform a thorough scan of the disk that contained the database, undelete Outlook database and proceed with the repair. Mehr…

Advanced Mac Mailer for Panther

Advanced Mac Mailer for Panther ist ein funktionsreiches Programm zum Versenden von Serien- und Massen-E-Mails. Mit Advanced Mac Mailer for Panther können sie Werbe-Mailing an tausende E-Mail-Adressen versenden und dabei eine Vielzahl von frei gestaltbaren Feldern zurückgreifen. Mehr…

Email Recovery

Email Recovery recovers and repairs lost and damaged email bases (DBX, PST, EML, MSG, TBB, Firefox, vista mail etc.). Program scans damaged or live HDD or other device in search of failed and deleted email bases and lost messages with attachments. Evaluation version has recoverable files preview, so you can make sure of program abilities before buy license. Email Recovery can save recovered files other email formats to change your email program. Mehr…

Newsletter Software SuperMailer

This software can send personalized serial mails (for newsletters, marketing campaigns etc.) as plaintext or HTML (with WYSIWYG editor) with attachments using up to 10 threads simultaneous. It is managing the recipients of the message, the email content and the attachments as projects so you can reuse it. It uses a SMTP server, Microsoft Outlook, a MAPI capable client or a PHP script to send emails. Mehr…

Public Mail 2 Contact für Outlook

Public Mail 2 Contact konvertiert vorhandene E-Mails zu Outlook Kontakte und überprüft ob die E-Mail-Adresse als Outlook Kontakt vorhanden ist. Public Mail 2 Contact vermeidet durch Filter bei der Konvertierung Dubletten in Outlook. Durch individuelle Blacklist Filter werden ganze E-Mail-Adressen, Domains oder Suffixe ausgeblendet. Public Mail 2 Contact funktioniert gleichermaßen mit Outlook, Public ShareFolder oder Exchange Server. Mehr…

Address Book Recovery by DiskInternals

DiskInternals Address Book Recovery scans your entire hard drive looking for address book contacts in the same way as modern anti-viruses scan your drives for viruses. It uses a database of signatures defining the beginning and the end of each file. No matter how serious your problem with Windows Address Book is, DiskInternals Address Book Recovery is your best chance to get back your contacts right here, right away. Mehr…