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Kategorie Grafik / Konverter & Optimierer

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Any DWG to PDF Converter

Any DWG to PDF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF without the need of AutoCAD. Key Features: 1. Stand-alone utility - AutoCAD NOT required. 2. Convert DWG and DXF to vector PDF in batches. 3. Supports every version of DWG/DXF files (Supports R2.5/2.6, R9, R10, R12, R13, R14, R2000/2002, R2004/2005, ... formats) 4. Very easy to use. Mehr…

Any DWG to DWF Converter

Any DWG to DWF Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to DWF, DXF to DWF without the need of AutoCAD. Key Features: 1. Stand-alone utility - AutoCAD NOT required. 2. Convert DWG and DXF to DWF in batches. 3. Supports every version of DWG/DXF files (Supports R2.5/2.6, R9, R10, R12, R13, R14, R2000/2002, R2004/2005, ... formats) 4. Very easy to use. Mehr…

PDF Printer for Windows 11

With PDF Printer, converting any document to PDF is completely simple. You just have to print the document and that's that. PDF Printer includes a virtual print driver that simply does all the work for you. Features: Convert e-mail to Adobe PDF files, Achieve web pages as Adobe PDF files, Optimize Adobe PDF output, Quickly regenerate a PDF file, Embed fonts of your choose, Apply passwords and assign permissions, Remove sensitive and hidden data. Mehr…

Spherical Panorama Polar Fisheye Converter

Spherical Panorama Polar Fisheye Converter for fisheye lens. This is a newly created Polar Fisheye Converter which enables you to view 360 video straight from the camera. Polar Fisheye Converter Software important features are: - Intergrated environment; - Easy to use pull down menus; - Powerful 360 video converter; - Brightness, contrast, and noise filters; - Extra sharpen features; - Polar Fisheye Converter can work with common video formats. Mehr…

Nice PDF Compressor

Nice PDF Compressor removes duplicate PDF objects, optionally takes advantage of new compression features of latest PDF specifications that for many classes of documents compresses 30 - 60% better than what is possible in PDF 1.5. The software allows you to shrink PDF file by using Flate or RunLength compression algorithm. You are able to set the compression level to generate PDF files of the smallest size. Batch conversion is supported. Mehr…

Spherical Panorama Dual Fisheye Converter

Spherical Panorama Dual Fisheye Converter, software for fisheye lens equipment. This is a newly created Dual Fisheye Converter which enables you to view your 360 photo straight from the camera. Spherical Panorama Dual Fisheye Converter Software important features are : - Intergrated environment - Easy to use pull down menus - Powerful photo converter - Extra sharpen features - Vertical flip Mehr…