Kategorie Grafik / Editoren
Corel Painter X for Macintosh
Version: 10 | Shareware (429,00 USD)

Experience the power of Corel Painter X - Now the world's most popular painting and illustration software is even better with new Photo Painting Palettes for rapidly transforming photographs into paintings, and exciting updates, including the Clone Brush, Eraser, and Rubber Stamp tools that simplify the creative workflow. Mehr…
Version: 1.75 | Shareware (24,50 USD)

Easy to operate program for creating Single Image stereograms with 3d animation support. 3 rendering algorithms, including hidden surface removal and distortions compensation. Removing 3D object slices by means of internal oversampling. Built-in texturizer. 24 bits color high resolution output images up to 10000x10000 pixels. 3D movies may be saved in AVI files. Standart depth masks, recommended 3DMonster. DirectX5 based (required 5 or higher). Mehr…
Magic Sharpener
Version: 2 | Demo (23,00 EUR)

Adobe Photoshop ist ein vereinbartes Windows-Plug-in zur Erhöhung der Abbildungsschärfe,es erlaubt dem Benutzer die empfundene Kantenschärfe und Detailreichtum zu verstärken, ohne Lärmverstarkung oder Entstehung eines Lichthofs. Es gibt einen Pinsel für lokale Korrektur der Schärfe. Das Plug-in ist unersetzlich für die Verbesserung von Fotos, wenn das Objektiv ein unscharfes Bild bildet. Es hat ein freundliches, intuitives und multilinguales Int Mehr…
Able Fax Tif View
Version: | Shareware (35,00 EUR)

Mit Able Fax Tif View kцnnen Sie FAX, TIF (TIFF), PDF, EPS, AI, DCX Dateien ansehen, bearbeiten und konvertieren. Es ist eine Komplettlцsung um FAX und TIFF Dateien zu betrachten, editieren, drucken, speichern und konvertieren. Able Fax Tif View konvertiert FAX and TIFF Dateien in TIFF/FAX, jpeg, png, bmp, pcx, gif, pdf und wmf umwandeln. Mehr…
Image Frame
Version: 1.2 | Shareware (14,95 USD)

Image Frame is a Photoshop-compatible plug-in for easy creation naturally-look 3D frame. Add frame and text to your photos. You can apply rectangular and elliptical frame, change frame profile, material, and lightening. You can add text and effects to image as well. Mehr…
Canvas GIS Advanced (Mac)
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (999,95 EUR)

CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition: Support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import almost any popular GIS file type into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers and choose from:
2,104 Coordinate Reference Systems
67 Operation Methods (like Mercator, Albers Conic Equal Area)
1,052 Map Projections
302 Geodetic Datums
21 Angular units
45 Length units Mehr…
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (549,99 EUR)

CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers and choose from:
2,104 Coordinate Reference Systems
67 Operation Methods (like Mercator, Albers Conic Equal Area)
1,052 Map Projections
302 Geodetic Datums
21 Angular units
45 Length units Mehr…
Canvas Scientific Imaging Edition
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (549,99 EUR)

CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition offers all the features of the Professional Edition plus advanced image processing tools and direct import of DICOM format files.CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition is the first product of its kind to incorporate an extensive array of image processing tools to accurately measure, analyze, import, and export precision digital images with up to 32 bits of floating point pixel data per channel. Mehr…
Orange Photo Editor
Version: 1 | Freeware

Orange Photo Editor is an easy-to-use program that allows you to view, manage and publish photos on your website. It create thumbnails, resize photos and generate HTML pages. Mehr…
Canvas Scientific Imaging Edition (Mac)
Version: 9.0.4 | Shareware (549,99 EUR)

CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition offers all the features of the Professional Edition plus advanced image processing tools and direct import of DICOM format files.CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition is the first product of its kind to incorporate an extensive array of image processing tools to accurately measure, analyze, import, and export precision digital images with up to 32 bits of floating point pixel data per channel. Mehr…
Heyer's Visitenkarten
Version: 4.04 | Shareware (25,00 EUR)

Mit dem Programm können Visitenkarten entworfen und ausgedruckt werden. Heyer's Visitenkarten schränkt dabei den Anwender nicht durch ein festes Layout ein, sondern der Anwender kann in weitem Rahmen die Visitenkarten frei gestalten. Das Programm kann Bitmap-, PNG-, JPEG-, WMF-und EMF-Grafiken importieren und benutzen. Adress-Daten können in einer separaten Datei verwaltet werden. Es steht eine ausführliche Online-Hilfe zur Verfügung. Mehr…
Version: 6.3.2 | Demo (79,95 USD)

Geocode digital photos, including RAW. Stamp the images or write (lossless) to the EXIF. Create web pages using Google Maps, export KML/KMZ files to Google Earth, upload to Flickr, export shapefiles (SHP), GPX, or AutoCAD DXF files. Supports Garmin GPS units (USB or COM), but no GPS is required. Geotag from a tracklog, waypoints, NMEA, placenames or a GPX file. UTM and MGRS support. Easy to use. Free lifetime upgrades. Mehr…