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Kategorie Grafik / Animation Tools (Filter: Cardware)

Reallusion CrazyTalk Web Edition

Make animated, speaking photos in minutes with CrazyTalk. Images are brought to life by displaying emotions and lip-synching with your own voice, imported audio or text messages. You can even apply different facial expressions to single words, sentences or the entire message to add more realism. CrazyTalk Web Edition includes additional features for creating interactive content for your Web site. ActiveX, WMV, RM. Mehr…


Panoramide ist eine Software zum Erstellen von 3d-Animationen von realen Objekten, Personen und Landschaften. Keine speziellen Informatik-Kenntnisse notwendig. In nur wenigen Minuten haben Sie Ihre Animation erstellt. Kein Plug-in notwendig. Mehr…


SimPlot - Eine Anwendung, welche es unter anderem durch interaktiv erstellbare 2D-Präsentationen ermöglicht, sich Sachverhalte aus vielen technischen und wissenschaftlichen Bereichen grafisch darstellen und sich diese multifunktional in Form bewegter Bilder ausgeben zu lassen. Dieses Programm verfügt neben vielem anderem über die Technologie, bewegte Bilder und Grafiken für unterschiedlichste Anwendungszwecke zu erzeugen und diese automatisch. Mehr…

Easy Banner Creator

Easy Banner Creator is an easy-to-use tool for creation of animated or static banners without graphic skills. It builds animation on the base of running multiple elements (texts and images) and text effects (color change, size change, fade and teletype) or image effect. You can define position of each animated or static element, set parameters for running elements (direction and time interval), swap elements, optimize GIF, generate html link... Mehr…


No need to wait for nine months to see your baby! The science of fortune telling is brought to perfection with BabyMaker. Just put pictures of you two into BabyMaker, and see what your baby will look like in just a moment. Impress your friends and family with 'what if' pictures of your possible babies made with just about anyone. You only need two facial photos (passport-style will do) to generate a realistic image of a baby. Mehr…

Nature Illusion Studio

Transform your vacation pictures into living nature sceneries with Nature Illusion Studio..Nature Illusion Studio allows you to apply various effects such as water, weather, animated objects, or sound effects on any image to emulate various natural phenomena..With the combination of both visual and sound effects, Nature Illusion Studio can produce very realistic animated nature scenes such as waterfalls, lakes, or seas. Mehr…