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Easy Compression Library

With Easy Compression Library you can add advanced compression and encryption functionality to your projects. Key Features: Advanced compression algorithms, Compression on-the-fly, No DLLs, compiles right into your EXE, Strong encryption Mehr…

Delphi ZIP Component ZipForge

ZipForge is an advanced Delphi ZIP component, written completely in Delphi. ZipForge features include SFX archives support, repair, strong encryption, unicode filenames support, Zip64, splitting and multi-spanning support. Full source code is available. No external depenancies. Mehr…

VeriFinger Standard SDK Trial

Multiplatform fingerprint identification SDK for stand-alone and Web based applications. Based on reliable fingerprint recognition technology with matching speed up to 40,000 fingerprints per second. Supports 100+ fingerprint scanners models on Windows, Android, Linux and Mac OS X. Includes programming samples in C, C++, C#, Sun Java 2, Visual Basic .NET. The trial requires constant internet connection. Mehr…

HIME: Huge Integer Math and Encryption

HIME is a library with encryption functions and huge integer math functions. RSA public key, AES, RC4 secret key encryption, MD5, SHA-512 hash function, random number generation (Blum-Blum-Shub, RSA), Diffie-Hellman, compression, securely erase files. Every programming language that can access a dll can use HIME: C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, VBA, Delphi, PowerBASIC, PureBASIC, Dot NET. The math functions work with huge integers up to 2^31 bits long. Mehr…


FlexCompress is a high-speed compression library for Delphi and C++ Builder developed to provide archive and backup functionality for your applications. No DLLs, strong encryption, SFX, splitting and multiple disk spanning support Mehr…


Mit diesem Editor ist es möglich von EXE-Dateien unabhängige Ressource-Dateien zu erstellen, welche von jedem beliebigen Projekt über eine DLL-Datei zur Laufzeit gelesen werden können. Mehrere Beispielprojekte enthalten, in welchen der Umgang mit der DLL-Datei erklärt wird. Eine Einbindung ist sowohl in C# als auch in Visual Basic problemlos möglich. Für .NET Framework 1.1 und 2.0 geeignet. Extra Version und Beispiel auch für VB 6 enthalten. Mehr…