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Kategorie Entwicklung / C | C++ | C# (Filter: Cardware)

Graybox OPC DA Auto Wrapper

The fundamental design goal is that OPC DA Auto interface is intended to work as a 'wrapper' for existing OPC Data Access Custom Interface Servers providing an automation friendly mechanism to the functionality provided by the custom interface. Graybox OPC Automation Wrapper is the DLL-module, in which all of the needed OLE-objects are implemented. Mehr…

jk-ware Multimedia-Projektworkspace

Für Visual C#-Entwickler bieten wir unseren Multimedia-Projektworkspace zur Entwicklung ihrer eigenen Produkte an. Der Workspace benötigt Visual Studio Community und beinhaltet alle Quelldateien zur Erstellung einer Formenverwaltung für die Windows-CLR. Das resultierende Programm verwaltet die Formen einer Anwendung und eines Basisprogramms. Der Workspace besteht aus insgesamt fünf Projekten. Mehr…

Graybox OPC Server Toolkit

Graybox OPC Server Toolkit lets the programmer to create robust and highly effective OPC Servers within the shortest possible time. This toolkit eliminates the necessity of implementing all of the numerous OPC interfaces and COM programming. Graybox OPC Server Toolkit supports OPC Data Access 1.00, 2.05a, 3.00. Toolkit can be used with any development environment supporting C++ language and dynamic linking or in any .NET language. Mehr…

TRichView for Delphi

TRichView ist eine Suite von Delphi Komponenten zum anzeigen, editieren und drucken von Hypertext Dokumenten. Die Komponenten unterstützen verschiedene Attribute wie Schriftarten, farbiger Text, farbiger Hintergrund. Dokumente können Bilder enthalten, Delphi Steuerelemente. Export zu RTF oder HTML und mehr... ScaleRichView ist ein Satz von VCL-Komponenten für das WYSIWYG-Editieren. Mehr…

CloudTier Storage Tiering SDK

CloudTier Storage Tiering SDK provides you a simple solution to develop the cloud archiving software, it allows you to integrate your existing on-premises applications with the remote cloud storage infrastructure in a seamless fashion. Storage Tiering allows you to integrate cloud as second tier with the data storage technique which automatically moves data between high-cost on-permise storage and low-cost remote cloud storage. Mehr…

EaseFilter Data Protection SDK

EaseFilter Data Protection SDK provides a comprehensive data protection solutions for the sensitive data.The SDK includes the build in encryption driver engine, it can encrypt and decrypt the files transparently with 256 bit AES algorithm; The SDK includes the file access control driver engine, it can prevent the access to sensitive files by unauthorized users or processes; The SDK also includes the file I/O access monitor driver engine. Mehr…