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Reisekostenabrechnung nach den aktuellen gesetzlichen Regelungen gültig ab 01.01.1999 bis gültig ab 01.01.2023 für Reisen in Deutschland und im Ausland. Einfache und komfortable Erfassung von Dienst- und Privatfahrten und dienstlichen Ausgaben, unterteilt nach Bezahlung sofort und auf Rechnung. Mehrere Benutzer, mehrere Fahrzeuge und -typen können verwaltet werden. Mehr…

ChequeSystem Cheque Printing Software

ChequeSystem streamlines cheque issuing. Print & manage cheques easily, with batch printing, recurring templates, and comprehensive reporting (Account, Payee, Monthly Statements). Supports multiple cheque books, companies, currencies, and numbering systems. Includes 200+ built-in layouts & a design tool. One-time purchase, 30-day money-back guarantee. Windows & macOS compatible. Mehr…

Billing Organizer Pro

Billing Software for Windows: billing and invoicing software for all kinds of professionals such as lawyers, developers, consultants, field experts, artists, constructors, designers, architects, accountants, programmers, landscapers, doctors, ... our software is for anyone who bills for service, labor, material. Easily manage customers data, billing items / expenses. Print invoices, mailing labels, summary reports. Process and track payments. Mehr…

Online Tax Pros

Take the pain out of tax time with quick and easy online tax preparation and direct e-filing to the IRS with Online Tax Pros. Online Tax Pros lets you prepare your federal tax return for free. We are also an Authorized IRS e-file Provider. Therefore, you can get your refund in as little as 8-15 days when you e-file. Professional tax advice and extensions are available. File tax with Online Tax Pros it's easy, fast, and IRS approved. Mehr…

Vladovsoft Fitorg

Vladovsoft Fitorg is an easy to use gym management software. It lets you easily track all membership details, bookings, deliveries and sales in your club, which makes it an ideal solution for gyms, health clubs, fitness centers, etc. When you start the program for the first time enter 'admin' for username and 'admin' for password to log in. Mehr…

Accurate Printer Monitor

Our software enables organizations to keep track, monitor and log of all printing jobs as well as the employee who printed them severally. The bang-up function that comes with our print logging application is that it points out the employees using the printers most oft, as well as the num. of pages they have been printing off. Accurate Printer Monitor: an all-in-one software for printers logging at an affordable price! Mehr…