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Mortgage Loan Calculator offers powerful calculators to let consumers know what their loans will cost them before they sign on the dotted line. Featuring property tax, insurance, and PMI, MLCalc's mortgage/loan calculators deliver the bottom line on several types of loans and display attractive, easy-to-understand amortization schedules. Using this simple copy-and-paste widget, webmasters can offer MLCalc's features to their site's visitors. Mehr…

Calculator for Belt Conveyors

Calculator for Belt Conveyors dient vorrangig zur Antriebsauslegung von Förderbändern sowie der für den jeweiligen Anwendungsfall geeigneten Auswahl des Transportgurtes. Dabei wird der Anwender Schritt für Schritt zum Ergebnis geführt. Diverse integrierte Datenbanken (z.B. für Transportgurte, Schüttgüter, Mitnehmer und Profile), welche vom Benutzer leicht erweitert bzw. editiert werden können, erleichtern die Bedienung. Mehr…

Euro Calculator

Euro Calculator is a calculator and currency converter with daily exchange rate updates provided by Cloanto, a leader in currency software and services. Features include support for past and future euro currencies, a spreadsheet interface annd translucent skins. Calculator and euro conversion functionality never expire (freeware). Custom licenses and support for agencies, websites, redistribution and corporate deployment are available. Mehr…


WorldCalc is a calculator and currency converter with daily exchange rate updates provided by Cloanto, a leader in currency software and services. Features include support for past and future euro currencies, a spreadsheet interface and translucent skins. The unregistered version displays an advertising banner. The registered version can use more than 100 different skins. Mehr…

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator

The Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator is an easy to use tool to perform map or GPS coordinate conversions. The software can be used to transform a single coordinate, or a batch of coordinates read from a comma separated,database or ESRI shapefiles. Supported map projections include: Transverse Mercator, Oblique Mercator, Mercator, Oblique Stereographic, Polar Stereographic, Albers Equal Area Conic, Krovak, Lambert Conformal Conic and more. Mehr…

2plane rotor balancing calculator

2-plane rotor balancing calculator is used to calculate mass and angle of the correction weights to reduce vibration of rotating machines. 2-plane balancing calculator can transform any single-channel vibration instrument that is capable of measuring vibration and phase into a 2-plane balancing system. For a full-featured, dynamic 2-plane balancing system you can see inexpensive "Balanset-1" portable field balancer. Mehr…