O&K Software
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O&K Software
117525 Moscow
Russian Federation
117525 Moscow
Russian Federation
info [at] prnwatch [dot] com | |
Telefon | 223-322 |
Telefax | +0-000 |
Website | www.prnwatch.com |
Freeware | Shareware | Vollversion | Demo | Evaluation | Cardware | Adware | Open Source
O&K Print Router
Version: 1.1 | Shareware (39,00 USD)
O&K Print Router helps offices save on printing while optimizing the way multiple printers are used. The highly advanced printing server will re-route printing tasks to distribute printing load and ensure even wear of all devices. As a result, busy offices will find their printing jobs finish sooner without jamming any particular printer. Mehr…
O&K Print Watch
Version: | Shareware (50,00 USD)
Druckmanager kontrolliert und verwaltet Druckkosten in Ihrem Unternehmen. O&K Print Watch informiert die Betriebsleitung über die wahren Druckkosten, indem alle Druckjobs, ob sie an einen Lokal- oder Netzwerkdrucker gesendet sind, überwacht werden. Verwaltung mehrerer Drucker und Differenzierung der Druckkosten, sowie Einführung der Benutzer-Quote und Überwachung aller Druckjobs ermöglicht es, die Druckkosten zu reduzieren und einzusparen. Mehr…
O&K Printer Viewer Pro
Version: 2 | Shareware (99,00 USD)

O&K Printer Viewer is a tool for viewing printed files. This program will help you view what you or someone else prints on your printer. You can view each document printed on Mehr…
O&K Work Spy
Version: | Shareware (29,95 USD)

O&K Work Spy - Tool for collecting the exact statistics of what the user does in real time.
The main purpose of O&K Work Spy is -
How to evaluate what your employees spend their office hours on?
How effectively do they use this time?
What do they spend most of it on?
The O&K Work Spy program is used to answer these and other questions. Mehr…
Version: 1.6 | Shareware (19,95 USD)

Utility for saving the priority of applications and interface enhancements for the standard Task Manager.Saving the priority of each process.Detecting the full path to the executable file and providing detailed information about it from the name of the process in the list of running processes in Windows Task Manager.Viewing services hosted by processes.Quick access to system services.Analyzing the current TCP/IP connections. Mehr…