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Kategorie Entwicklung / Compiler & Interpreter (Filter: Evaluation)


BMDFM (Binary Modular DataFlow Machine) is software, which enables running an application in parallel on shared memory symmetric multiprocessors (SMP) using the multiple processor cores to speed up the execution of single applications. BMDFM automatically identifies and exploits parallelism due to the static and mainly DYNAMIC SCHEDULING of the data flow instruction sequences derived from the formerly sequential program. Mehr…


"Bat-to-exe" is exactly what its name says - a bat to exe converter. Compiles Batch file to EXE files. The resulting EXE files are compressed and encoded, making it harder to reverse engineer your batch files. "Bat-to-Exe" is fast, simple to use and has a built-in auto-update functionality. The resulting EXE files are free to be redistributed. Mehr…


Jabaco ist eine objektorientierte Programmiersprache. Die Syntax von Jabaco ähnelt der populären Programmiersprache Visual Basic von Microsoft. Der Jabaco-Compiler erzeugt performanten, plattformunabhängigen Java Bytecode. Jabaco nutzt die Java Runtime Environment ab Version 1.4.2 als Grundlage. Der Programmierer hat die Möglichkeit dieses umfangreiche Framework zu nutzen und damit komplexe Problemstellungen zu lösen. Mehr…


Gentee is a friendly full-scale programming language. It is a reliable assistant in your everyday work. It is easy-to-master, and can be your first, as well as tenth programming language. All necessary documentation and a set of libraries are available. Software engineers can easily use it in their applications. Everything is free of charge! Mehr…