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Kategorie System Utilities / Sonstige (Filter: Cardware)

Printer for Remote Desktop

Printer for Remote Desktop is a reliable and easy-to-use solution for remote printing. Use your local printer in a remote desktop environment through Microsoft RDP, Citrix ICA, Amazon DCV, VMware Blast and Teradici PCoIP. Mehr…

USB for Remote Desktop

USB for Remote Desktop is a program that allows USB devices to be used in remote desktop session, virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) or cloud instance. It works with Microsoft RDP, Citrix ICA, Amazon DCV, VMware Blast and Teradici PCoIP protocols. Mehr…

Serial Port Mapper

Serial Port Mapper - Map serial ports to any other port names, swap existing serial ports. In other words, it allows creating aliases for COM ports and redirect any necessary data. Mehr…

Network Serial Port Kit

Network Serial Port Kit - Share and access any serial devices or create virtual null-modem cables over a TCP/IP network or the Internet. Mehr…

Hot Virtual Keyboard

Tippen Sie mit der Maus wie ein Fachmann! Dank konfigurierbaren Mausbewegungen von Hot Virtual Keyboard können Sie jetzt schneller tippen, mit einer beliebigen der 70 integrierten virtuellen Tastaturen Programme starten, im Internet suchen und Makros ausführen. Die neue Bildschirmtastatur verwendet fortgeschrittene Eingabetechniken (wie z.B. AutoVervollständigen), die in modernen Handys und Communicators realisiert sind. Mehr…

Files Search Assistant

With Files Search Assistant you can search text in different file formats, for example in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) documents, MS Office files (xls, doc). Preview pane and other options make your search efficient and rapid. - Preview Pane - was design to save user form routine job. - There are some features, which make Files Search Assistant especially useful for anyone who works with different documents (different formats and different context). Mehr…