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Kategorie System Utilities / Automation-Tools (Filter: Freeware)

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Batch Files Free

Replace, insert, delete, copy, move, format, extract, convert, encode, encrypt text and bytes in multiple files. Process 1000s files using multiple CPU cores in manual, automatic/continuous, triggered/scheduled, or console modes, or directly from Windows Explorer right-click menu. Save files with original or new name defined by a mask. Select files for processing based on their name, dates, size, and contents using advanced file search. Mehr…

Macro Toolworks, Standard Edition

Macro ToolsWorks ist ein mächtiges komplettes Windows Automations-Werkzeug. Mit der integrierten Makro-Sprache (150+ Befehle) kann Macro ToolsWorks die meisten Ihrer tägl. Routineaufgaben erledigen. Es lassen sich damit Makros erstellen, die in beliebigen Windows Anwendungen laufen, zu starten per Hot-Key oderText-Kürzel, individueller Toolbar, mit definierter Mouse-Aktion, oder per Planer zu bestimmter Zeit, oder bei speziellen Ereignissen. Mehr…

Keyboard Software Wedge TWedge

Automatische Datenerfassung mit TWedge - Keyboard Wedge, Software Wedge, Barcode Wedge: Diese Datenerfassungssoftware erweitert Programme und Datenbanken mit Echtzeit-Datenerfassung. Geräte mit USB, Bluetooth, RS232, RS485, UDP oder TCP/IP Schnittstelle werden einfach an alle Anwendungen angebunden (Barcodeleser, Barcodescanner, Waagen, Controller, Messgeräte, RFID). Flexible Datenerfassungssoftware mit integriertem Scripting! Mehr…

Total Folder Monitor

Total Folder Monitor will watch your folders and execute predefined actions. They include creating file list; pinging; running some application; copying, moving or deleting a file; terminating project or task; packing/unpacking files. You can set certain actions for all common situations: when everything is ok, when there is an error, when the error is fixed. Total Folder Monitor works fully automatically and helps you to get rid of the routine. Mehr…


AlwaysUp runs your application as a Windows Service, monitoring it constantly to ensure 100% uptime. It will automatically restart your application if it crashes, hangs, or uses too much memory, dismiss "Application error" dialogs, and run customized "sanity checks" to ensure that your application is available 24/7. Regular, detailed email from AlwaysUp will keep you abreast of crashes, scheduled restarts and other relevant events. Mehr…

PC AutoTimer

Light-weight application make PC resume from sleep to perform scheduler and customize hotkeys to launch these repetitive actions Mehr…