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PDF Viewer for Windows 7

It's a pity that a PDF reader isn't included when Windows 7 is released.  However, you can download and install a light-weight yet powerful PDF Viewer to serve as part of the operating system to view, print, and convert PDF. The software serves as an alternative to Adobe Reader, just download and execute, and it's totally free. For a complete list of features, read here Mehr…

AquaSoft PhotoFlash

AquaSoft PhotoFlash ist ein kostenloser Multimediabrowser für Bilder, Sounds, Videos und MP3s auf Ihrem PC und im Netzwerk. Mit PhotoFlash behalten Sie professionell und intuitiv alle Dateien im Überblick. Durchsuchen Sie ganze Ordnerstrukturen. Dateien können in die Ablage gezogen und in der Voransicht angesehen werden. Digitalkameras liefern EXIF-Daten, PhotoFlash kann sie lesen. PhotoFlash liefert Diashows mit tollen Überblendungen. Mehr…


UniView is a powerful image viewer,converter and manipulation tool. It support 50+ popular formats: ANI,AVI,BMP,BW,CEL,CIF,CUR,CUT,DCX,DIB,DXF,EMF,EPS,GIF,HGL,HPG,ICO,IMG,JPE,JPG,MAC,PBM,PCC,PCD,PCX,PDD,PGM,PIC,PLO,PLT,PNG,PPM,PSD,PSP,PTF,RGB,RLA,RLE,RPF,SCR,SGI,SLD,TGA,TIF,UFO,WBMP,WMF. It also intergates functions, including encrypt and batch convert/rename image files, slide show with 140+ special effects, animation controls, html album maker. Mehr…


Free reader for .AEH ebooks, guides, hypertext, manuals created with eBooksWriter ebookswriter dot com. Full text/keyword search. Fast, compact and easy to use. Very effective when you want to distribute protected documents; the editor thanks to its exclusive interface is the best for large and hypertext documents. Tiny: it is 1/20 of the common pdf reader, and it does not use pdf but a more secure format. Top class encryption and protection. Mehr…

PDF Preview for Windows 11

PDF Preview Handler add-in for Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office, and Outlook automatically configures itself to preview a PDF file in the Preview pane of Windows Explorer or in the Reading pane in Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007. Thus, you can preview PDF document in Windows 11 without opening. The freeware program installs a PDF preview handler add-in and shows a thumbnail preview for icons and also the icon changes to the one from PDF Preview. Mehr…

PDF Previewer for Windows 10

The free PDF previewer enables Windows 10 users to see the contents of a PDF document without opening it. When you're looking for a PDF file or you just need a bit of information from one, to preview PDF documents in a fast preview window is easier than opening files. Simply browse and click on any PDF document, and its content is shown in the preview pane of Windows Explorer or Microsoft Outlook. PDF preview in icon level is also available. Mehr…