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Kategorie Grafik / CAD (Filter: Evaluation)


A picture is worth a thousand words. A clear, self-explanatory, striking picture - whether it's a flowchart, diagram, illustration or technical drawing - may be worth a new contract, extra sales channels, more revenue, and additional clientele. DiagramStudio flowchart software is a tool that helps thousands of individuals and organizations create convincing, eloquent and visually appealing presentations. Mehr…

Easy CAD to PDF Converter

This program features DWG to PDF conversion, DXF to PDF conversion, and DWF to PDF conversion without Autodesk AutoCAD or Adobe Acrobat. You can even batch publish your DWG, DXF, DWF drawing files to PDF files of any size to answer your specific needs, such as to facilitate the readers of your CAD drawings who have no AutoCAD-based software products installed on their computers; PDF is an open standard for audiences from almost all walks. Mehr…

Easy CAD Solution Suite

Review CAD drawings in DWG, DXF, DWF format with a feature-rich viewer. Edit, modify design drawing and its internal objects attributes and properties. Convert between DWG, DXF, DWF, PDF, and various image formats such as JPG, BMP, TIF, PNG, GIF, TGA. Convert DWG to DWF, or DXF to DWF to protect your DWG or DXF files from being modified. Upgrade or downgrade between any versions of DWF, DWG and DXF files. Publish DXF, DWF, DWG to PDF document. Mehr…

Easy CAD Viewer

Easy CAD Viewer allows you to view and print various AutoCAD drawings on your PC easily and quickly. It also enables you to manage 2D and 3D CAD drawings, such as to rotate, edit. Easy CAD Viewer works with AutoCAD DWG, DXF, DWF files of all versions as early as AutoCAD Release 9 and as recent as AutoCAD 2015. The software is more than a viewer; it converts DWG, DXF, DWF drawings to image formats such as BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, and TGA. Mehr…

2D Batch Print for AutoCAD DWG, DXF, PLT

Innovativer automatisierter Druck von AutoCAD DWG, DXF, PLT u.a. Formate. Die Anwendung erlaubt völlig automatisierten Bilderdruck. Das bedeutet nicht nur Drucken und Plotten Dutzender und Hunderter Bilder, sondern auch eine flexible Anpassung mit einzigartigen Möglichkeiten wie, z.B. Benutzen eines Printers für A4 Bilder Druck und eines Plotters für grosse Formate. Mehr…

Total CAD Converter

CAD Converter wandelt CAD-Dateien in Tiff, PDF, jpeg, png, wmf, dxf um. Quellformate sind dwg, dxf, plt, hgl, hg, hpg, plo, hp, hp1, hp2, hpgl, hpgl2, gl2, prn, spl, cgm, svg. CAD Converter kann auch die Dateigröße ändern. Und das im Batch-Modus! Bedienbar über GUI, per Rechtsklick und Kommandozeile. Vertrauen Sie nicht nur der Werbung - testen Sie die Software! Die voll funktionsfähige Version herunterladen und sich eine eigene Meinung bilden! Mehr…