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Kategorie Büro / Datenbanken & Tools

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Argentum Coolbase

Argentum Coolbase is a versatile information manager that can keep any kind of information, such as text, numbers, links, pictures and music, in a tree outline database. Argentum Coolbase can serve you as a note taker, a diary keeper, a personal contact list, a link organizer, a text editor, and more. All these are nicely fit into one combined product that will make your life a lot easier! Mehr…

Scan Station Time and Attendance Software

Check in and out and record attendance using networked check in stations or tablets. Mehr…

DiskInternals MySQL Recovery

DiskInternals MySQL Recovery is a full set of recovery tools which allow database administrators to retrieve deleted or damaged database data. Even where no file system on the drive is left, data can still be recovered. Corrupted data can also be rebuilt using this solution. Both a fully automatic and a manual mode are supported. The manual mode provides some more advanced features for experienced users to fully rebuild damaged databases. Mehr…

Textbausteinverwaltung Deluxe

Die fuer privat und gewerblich kostenlose Textbausteinverwaltung Deluxe ist eine universell und systemweit einsetzbare Textbausteinverwaltung. Die Besonderheit: Es lassen sich Textbausteine in einem Vorschaufenster anpassen, diese filtern, ganze Texte oder nur Passagen uebernehmen. Auch kann der Text noch vor dem Einfuegen und inklusive aller Formatierungen, Tabellen oder Grafiken ueberarbeitet werden. Mehr…

SoftAmbulance Access Recovery

Repair damaged Microsoft Access 2000-2021 .mdb and .accdb database files with Access Recovery. It takes care of a database structure as a whole. Access Recovery does not intrude into the structure of original .mdb database, copying all necessary information and exporting recovery results into a newly created MS Access database. Even if your hard drive is severely corrupted or a file system is damaged, it will do the job properly. Mehr…


Das CDBFlite Programm erlaubt Benutzer die Arbeit mit dbf Dateien von der Kommandozeile. Die erforderlichen Aktionen können im Batch mode realisiert werden. Das CDBFlite Programm kann über Webserver bereitgestellt werden. Mehr…