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Category Business / Accounting & Finance (Filter: Full version)


DAS KANN TOP-RECHNUNG 11 > Kundendatenverwaltung mit Notizfunktion und Datei-Verknüpfungen je Kunde > Artikeldatenverwaltung mit Artikelnummern und Warengruppen Zuordnung > Analysetool für Artikel- und Warengruppenumsatz > Barcodescannerfähig > Direktes Rechnungsschreiben OHNE Umwege > Abspeichern und Aufrufen einzelner Rechnungen > Verwenden Sie Ihr eigenes Logo > Angeboterstellung, Auftragsbestätigung > Lieferschein > Barcodefähig > Wechselgeld More…

Purchase Order Organizer Pro

Purchase Order Organizer Deluxe is a flexible purchase order management software for Windows users. Purchase order database management helps all kinds of companies and organizations to create, process, and track purchases. Purchase Order PRO manager includes two databases: Suppliers/Vendors database: manage information about suppliers and vendors. Purchase Orders database: manage and process orders information. More…

Sales Orders Organizer Pro

Sales Orders management system for Windows. A simple sale orders processing system for small businesses. Our sales orders management solution will help you with following activities in your business: Easily manage and track your customer data. Organize your product inventories. Process sales orders, track quotes and shipments. Produce invoices, mailing labels, shipping lists, summary reports. Process and track payments. More…


QDXport is a program for converting Quicken postings (QIF) into Datev format. You may assign Quicken accounts and categories to Datev nominals. With balance summaries and detai lists by accounts and nominals. Online help. Supports all Quicken- /FinanzManager-versions and the new DATEV-Interfaceformat. With multicompany support. Only german language available. More…

Donation Organizer Pro

Donation Organizer Pro is a flexible database management software with ready to use donation management solution. Our software gives you an easy way to manage, track, and organize data of a small fundraising organization. For the database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use donation management solutions make it easy to set up and use. More…

Star Quotes/Estimates

Star Quotes/Estimates is a simple yet powerful program used to make the process of typing up and printing quotes/estimates easy. There are many features that simplify the whole process of creating and printing Quotes. It saves all your different customer and items so you do not have to re-key these every time which makes Quote creation so much easier. Free for 30 Days !!! Discover more info at More…